“I felt overwhelmed by the love and support shown to me. The gesture was beautiful and thoughtful. If I had to choose one thing in this moment, it would be this.”

— Judi, Love Campaign Nominee

“Chris was getting cards from all over! Receiving them boosted her spirits, even when she felt absolutely terrible. Just the thought that people, some she didn't even know, cared about her made a difference.”

— Mark Gross, husband to Love Campaign Nominee

“Participating in Project You Are Loved made me feel hopeful, not just for the recipient of the card, but for all of us. With one small and simple act of kindness, I was able to uplift someone who is going through the toughest and darkest time in their life. It only took a few minutes, but it made me feel like I made a positive difference.”

— Masaye Waugh, Love Campaign participant